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Vintage Iron Club

Meetings Monthly: Fourth Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at Tangier Shrine Center
Contact:  Jim Gunderson - 402-651-4411
Divan Rep: Dave Workman

The Tangier Vintage Iron Club was officially chartered in 1989 by
then-Potentate Dale Harding. The main purpose of the club is to promote
activity by Nobles who would not otherwise be involved with Shrine
functions. The requirement for membership is an interest in the restoration, preservation, and presentation of American-made automobiles and trucks manufactured prior to 1988. Owning one of these vehicles is not a requirement. Vintage Iron car owners are very proud of their vehicles and have supported many local car shows and have won many trophies. We are very proud to be a member of the Central States Motor Corp., and we have received several awards over the years. We have in our club Street Rods or Modified, Pickup Trucks, Milestone, and Original Condition Autos. 

Dues are $20 per year, due the first of each year.

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